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character classification

Function Description
isalnum checks if char is alphanumeric
isalpha checks if char is alphabetic
isascii checks if char is an ascii char
isblank checks if char is blank
iscntrl checks if char is a control char
isdigit checks if char is a digit
isgraph checks if char is printing character except space (' ')
islower checks if char is lowercase
isprint checks if char is printable
ispunct checks if char is a punctuation char
isspace checks if char is space
isupper checks if char is uppercase
isxdigit checks if char is hexadecimal

convert functions

Function Description
toascii converts a char to ascii
tolower converts a char to lowercase
toupper converts a char to uppercase

on the occasion of the current invasion of Russia in Ukraine

Russian Stop this War
c/ctype.h.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/16 00:48 (external edit)

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