===== case ===== The case and select constructs are technically not loops, since they do not iterate the execution of a code block. Like loops, however, they direct program flow according to conditions at the top or bottom of the block. Controlling program flow in a code block case (in) / esac The case construct is the shell scripting analog to switch in C/C++. It permits branching to one of a number of code blocks, depending on condition tests. It serves as a kind of shorthand for multiple if/then/else statements and is an appropriate tool for creating menus. === bash case syntax === case "$variable" in "$condition1" ) command... ;; "$condition2" ) command... ;; esac === bash case example === #! /bin/bash while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # Until you run out of parameters . . . case "$1" in -d|--debug) # "-d" or "--debug" parameter? DEBUG=1 ;; -c|--conf) CONFFILE="$2" shift if [ ! -f $CONFFILE ]; then echo "Error: Supplied file doesn't exist!" exit $E_CONFFILE # File not found error. fi ;; esac shift # Check next set of parameters. done # From Stefano Falsetto's "Log2Rot" script, #+ part of his "rottlog" package. # Used with permission === output of case === no output atm