{{keywords>wiki library source code example reference}} ====== assert ====== void assert(scalar expression); With assert you can test your programm for logical errors. \\ \\ The assert () macro will insert diagnostics into programs \\ When executed, if expression (which is a scalar type you have) is false (ie, compares equal to 0), \\ assert (), provide information about the particular call that failed to stderr and abort () \\ ===== C Sourcecode Example ===== #include /* including standard library */ //#include /* uncomment this for Windows */ #include int testfunc(int a, int b) { assert( (a >= 0 && a >= b) && (b >= 0) ); return a / b; } int main ( void ) { printf("9 / 4 = %d\n", testfunc(9, 4) ); printf("1 / 1 = %d\n", testfunc(1, 1) ); printf("0 / 9 = %d\n", testfunc(0, 9) ); return 0; } ===== Output ===== user@host:~$ ./assert 9 / 4 = 2 1 / 1 = 1 assert: assert.c:6: testfunc: Assertion `(a >= 0 && a >= b) && (b >= 0)' failed. canceled