===== installuserfont ===== ====Syntax of installuserfont ==== #include int installuserfont(char *name); ==== Description of installuserfont ==== name is a file name in the current directory (pathname is not supported) of a font file containing a stroked font. Up to twenty fonts can be installed at one time. ==== Example of installuserfont ==== /* installuserfont example */ #include #include #include #include /* function prototype */ void checkerrors(void); int main(void) { /* request autodetection */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode; int userfont; int midx, midy; /* initialize graphics and local variables */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); midx = getmaxx() / 2; midy = getmaxy() / 2; /* check for any initialization errors */ checkerrors(); /* install a user-defined font file */ userfont = installuserfont("USER.CHR"); /* check for any installation errors */ checkerrors(); /* select the user font */ settextstyle(userfont, HORIZ_DIR, 4); /* output some text */ outtextxy(midx, midy, "Testing!"); /* clean up */ getch(); closegraph(); return 0; } /* check for and report any graphics errors */ void checkerrors(void) { int errorcode; /* read result of last graphics operation */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); } } ==== See also ==== [[settextstyle]] ===== output of installuserfont example ===== no output of example at the moment do not hesitate and add it...