{{keywords>wiki library source code example reference}} ===== fabs ===== double fabs(double); calculates the absolute number of a given value ===== C Sourcecode Example ===== compile in linux with: gcc fabs.c -o fabs **-lm** -Wall #include /* including standard library */ //#include /* uncomment this for Windows */ #include /* including math library */ int main ( void ) { double y,x; x = 4.2422; y = -3284.2; printf("the fabs of 4.2422 is %f\n", fabs(x) ); printf("and the fabs of -3284.2 is %f\n ", fabs(y) ); return 0; } ==== output ==== output: user@host:~$ ./fabs the fabs of 4.2422 is 4.242200 and the fabs of -3284.2 is 3284.200000