====== mysql_eof ====== my_bool mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *result) ==== description of mysql_eof ==== is used to test whether a quantitative result has been read completely. returns 0 until the end of the results has not yet been reached otherwise value is 0 This function is obsolete,use mysql_errno() or mysql_error() #include /* including standard library */ #include MYSQL *my; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES *result; int main( void ){ char host[20]; char user[20]; char pass[20]; unsigned long num_rows = 0; my = mysql_init(NULL); sprintf(host,"localhost"); sprintf(user,"username"); sprintf(pass,"password"); if (my == NULL ) { printf("Cant initalisize MySQL\n"); return 1; } if( mysql_real_connect (my,host,user,pass,NULL,0,NULL,0) == NULL) { printf("Error cant login\n"); } else { printf("Login correct\n"); } mysql_select_db(my, "test"); mysql_query(my, "SELECT * FROM collection WHERE 1;"); result = mysql_store_result(my); if (mysql_eof(result)) { printf("db read complete\n"); } else { printf("error while read db\n"); } num_rows = (unsigned long) mysql_num_rows(result); printf("num_rows %li\n", num_rows); mysql_close(my); return 0; } ===== output of mysql_eof c example ===== Login correct db read complete num_rows 2