{{keywords>wiki library source code example reference}} ====== strcpy ====== #include char *strcpy(char *str1, const char *str2); === Description === strcpy copy a c string pointed by str2 into the array pointed by str1 including the terminating null character. ===== strcpy C Example Code ===== /* * strcpy c example code * http://code-reference.com/c/string.h/strcpy */ #include /* including standard library */ #include int main( void ) { char string[] = "copy me"; /* the size of the array is calculated automatically */ char string2[20]; if( strcpy(string2, string) != 0 ) printf( "copy success: %s\n", string2 ); else printf( "copy failure\n" ); return 0; } === Output of strcpy example === user@host:~$ ./strcpy copy success: copy me