{{keywords>wiki library source code example reference}} ===== fputws ===== #include int fputws(const wchar_t *string, FILE *stream); === Description === fputws writes the wide-character string to the stream, at the position of the file pointer and advances the pointer.\\ If the write was successful, a nonnegative integer value is returned. Otherwise, the function returns WEOF.\\ ===== fputws C Sourcecode Example ===== /* * clearerr example code * http://code-reference.com/c/wchar.h/fputws */ #include /* including standard library */ //#include /* uncomment this for Windows */ #include #include /* nessesary for this example */ int main ( void ) { setlocale(LC_ALL,""); wchar_t string[] = L"fputws example for code-reference.com ÖÄÜ\n"; if (fputws(string, stdout) == WEOF) { return 1; } return 0; } ==== output - fputws example code ==== ./fputws fputws example for code-reference.com ÖÄÜ