{{keywords>wiki library source code example reference}} ====== format ====== format args to the format string format and write the result to the stream format(String format, Object... args); return value: stream ^ sign ^ Description ^ |0 |if the place is not busy they prints a 0 | |# |if the place is not busy they prints nothing | |. |decimal separator Separates and decimal places. | |, |Groups the numbers (a group is as large as the distance from "," to "."). | |; |Delimiter. To the left of the pattern is positive, the right for negative numbers. | |- |The default character for the negative prefix | |% |The number is multiplied by 100 and reported as a percentage. | |% % (without the space )|Just like %, with only thousandths. | |\uXXXX |unicode XXXX stands for Numbers and chars like \u20B3 | |' |Masking of special symbols in the prefix or suffix | |%n |new line | |%b |Boolean | |%% |Percent | |%s |String | |%c |Unicode-Char | |%d |decimaldigit | |%x |hexadecimal | |%t |Date / Time | |%f |Float | |%e |scientific notation | ===== Language Example ===== package codereferececomjava; public class CodeRefereceComJava { public static void main(String[] args) { String strout = null; String str = "is the answer"; int i = 42; String[] arguments = { "way", "example" }; strout = String.format("%d %s", i, str); System.out.println(strout); strout = String.format( "this is another %s for this %s.\n", arguments ); System.out.println(strout); double ans = 42.1234568; System.out.format("The answer is probably %.0f", ans); System.out.format("\t and not %.2f \n", ans); System.out.format("also not %1.2f \n", ans); // prints 1 String string = "hey"; System.out.format("%-10s reserve 10 signs on the right side\n", string ); System.out.format("%20s reserve 10 signs on the left side\n", string ); System.out.format("%10d reserve 10 signs for the number \n", i ); System.out.format("%+d print math signs \n", i ); // print math signs System.out.format("%010d reserve 10 places and fill it with 0\n", i ); System.out.format("%,2.3f special character \n", ans ); } } ==== output ==== The answer is probably 42 and not 42,12 also not 42,12 hey reserve 10 signs on the right side hey reserve 10 signs on the left side 42 reserve 10 signs for the number +42 print math signs 0000000042 reserve 10 places and fill it with 0 42,123 special character ===== 2nd format example in java ===== package codereferececomjava; public class CodeRefereceComJava { public static void main(String[] args) { int dnumber = - 5; double fnumber = 12317.27; String str = "Number"; char ch = 'A'; System.out.format("%-30s : %-+10d : %c : %,15.1f\n", str, dnumber, ch, fnumber); } } === output of 2nd format example === Number : -5 : A : 12.317,3