===== descriptionWithLocale =====
- (NSString *)descriptionWithLocale:(id)aLocale
Returns a string that represents the contents of the receiver for a given locale.
===== ObjC Sourcecode Example =====
//** Sample Datatypes **
int myInt= 1000000;
double myDouble = 3.14;
float myFloat = 1.123456f;
char myChar = 'w';
//** Initializing NSNumber Objects **
NSNumber *myIntNumber = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithInt:myInt];
NSNumber *myDoubleNumber = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithDouble:myDouble];
NSNumber *myFloatNumber = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithFloat:myFloat];
NSNumber *myCharNumber = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithChar:myChar];
//Use "nil" if you don’t want the description formatted.
NSLog(@"myIntNumber(Locale: nil): %@", [myIntNumber descriptionWithLocale:nil]);
NSLog(@"myFloatNumber(Locale: nil): %@", [myFloatNumber descriptionWithLocale:nil]);
NSLog(@"myDoubleNumber(Locale: nil): %@", [myDoubleNumber descriptionWithLocale:nil]);
NSLog(@"myCharNumber(Locale: nil): %@", [myCharNumber descriptionWithLocale:nil]);
==== Output for this example code ====
2012-07-16 00:12:57.484 NSNumberSample[856:f803] myIntNumber(Locale: nil): 1000000
2012-07-16 00:12:57.503 NSNumberSample[856:f803] myFloatNumber(Locale: nil): 1.123456
2012-07-16 00:12:57.504 NSNumberSample[856:f803] myDoubleNumber(Locale: nil): 3.14
2012-07-16 00:12:57.505 NSNumberSample[856:f803] myCharNumber(Locale: nil): 119