returns the error number for the last unsuccessful running function. if the function is successful, it returns 0. in case of an error the error number and the type of error appears
#include <stdio.h> /* including standard library */ #include <mysql/mysql.h> MYSQL *my; int main( void ){ char host[20]; char user[20]; char pass[20]; my = mysql_init(NULL); sprintf(host,"localhost"); sprintf(user,"username"); sprintf(pass,"password"); if (my == NULL ) { printf("Cant initalisize MySQL\n"); return 1; } if( mysql_real_connect (my,host,user,pass,NULL,0,NULL,0) == NULL) { printf("Error cant login\n"); } else { printf("Login correct\n"); } mysql_select_db(my, "test"); mysql_query(my, "SELECT * FROM wrongdb WHERE 1;"); printf("mysql_errno is %u\n", mysql_errno(my) ); mysql_close(my); return 0; }
Login correct mysql_errno is 1146