Table of Contents


#include <stdio.h> /* including standard library */
//#include <windows.h> /* uncomment this for Windows */
    FILE *freopen( const char *fname, const char *mode, FILE *stream );

closes file associated with stream, then opens file filename with specified mode and associates it with stream. Returns stream or NULL on error.

C Sourcecode Example

 * freopen example code
#include <stdio.h> /* including standard library */
//#include <windows.h> /* uncomment this for Windows */
int main ( void )
  freopen ("test.txt","w",stdout);
  printf ("This content is written to a file");
  fclose (stdout);
  return 0;

freopen output example

  user@host:~$ ./freopen 
  user@host:~$ cat test.txt 
  This content is written to a file