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Numeric conversions

Function Description
atof converts a string to a floating-point value
atoi converts a string to a integer value
atol converts a string to a long integer value
strtod converts a string to a double value
strtol converts a string to a long integer value
strtoul converts a string to a unsigned integer value

Mathematical functions

Function Description
abs computes absolute value of an integral value
labs computes absolute value of an integral value
div computes the quotient and remainder of integer division
ldiv computes the quotient and remainder of integer division (long integer)

Widechar conversions

Function Description
wcstombs converts a Wide character string to a Multibyte character string
wctomb converts a Wide character to a Multibyte character

Multibyte conversions / functions

Function Description
mblen returns the number of bytes from a multibyte character
mbstowcs converts a Multibyte character string to a Wide character string
mbtowc converts a Multibyte character to a Wide character

Memory manipulation

Function Description
calloc allocates the specified number of bytes
free releases the specified block of memory back to the system
realloc increases the size of the specified block of memory Reallocates it if needed
malloc allocates the specified number of bytes

Process control

Function Description
abort causes abnormal program termination without cleaning up
atexit registers a function to be called on exit() invocation
exit causes normal program termination with cleaning up
getenv accesses the list of the environment variables
system calls the host environments command processor

Random number generation

Function Description
rand generates a pseudo-random number
srand initializes a pseudo-random number generator


Function Description
sizeof calculate the size of any datatype

Array functions

Function Description
bsearch binary search in a array
qsort sorts Quick X elements of the array

on the occasion of the current invasion of Russia in Ukraine

Russian Stop this War
c/stdlib.h.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/16 00:48 (external edit)

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