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assembler:8086_88:command_overview [2018/05/30 22:50]
Daniel Gohlke added column for examples
— (current)
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-|AAA|ASCII adjust after addition|no example yet| 
-|AAD|ASCII adjust before divide|no example yet| 
-|AAM|ASCII adjust alter multiply|no example yet| 
-|AAS|ASCII adjust after subtract|no example yet| 
-|ADC|Add with carry|no example yet| 
-|ADD|Add|no example yet| 
-|AND|And|no example yet| 
-|CALL|Call|no example yet| 
-|CBW|Convert byte to word|no example yet| 
-|CLC|Clear carry flag|no example yet| 
-|CLD|Clear direction flag|no example yet| 
-|CLI|Clear interrupt flag|no example yet| 
-|CMC|Complement carry flag|no example yet| 
-|CMP|Compare|no example yet| 
-|CMPS|Compare string|no example yet| 
-|CMPSB|Compare string bytewise|no example yet| 
-|CMPSW|Compare string wordwise|no example yet| 
-|CWD|Convert word to double word|no example yet| 
-|DAA|Decimal adjust after  addition|no example yet| 
-|DAS|Decimal adjust after subtract|no example yet| 
-|DEC|Decrement|no example yet| 
-|DIV|Divide (unsigned)|no example yet| 
-|ESC|Escape (to external device)|no example yet| 
-|HLT|Halt|no example yet| 
-|IDIV|Integer divide (signed)|no example yet| 
-|IMUL|Integer multiply (signed)|no example yet| 
-|IN|Input from|no example yet| 
-|INC|Increment|no example yet| 
-|INT|Interrupt|no example yet| 
-|INTO|Interrupt if overflow|no example yet| 
-|IRET|Interrupt return|no example yet| 
-|JA|Jump if above|no example yet| 
-|JAE|Jump if above or equal|no example yet| 
-|JB|Jump if below|no example yet| 
-|JBE|Jump if below or equal|no example yet| 
-|JCXZ|Jump if CX equal zero|no example yet| 
-|JE|Jump if equal|no example yet| 
-|JG|Jump if greater|no example yet| 
-|JGE|Jump if greater or equal|no example yet| 
-|JL|Jump if less|no example yet| 
-|JLE|Jump if less or equal|no example yet| 
-|JMP|Jump|no example yet| 
-|JNA|Jump if not above|no example yet| 
-|JNAE|Jump if not above and not equal|no example yet| 
-|JNB|Jump if not below|no example yet| 
-|JNBE|Jump if not below and not equal|no example yet| 
-|JNE|Jump if not equal|no example yet| 
-|JNG|Jump if not greater|no example yet| 
-|JNGE|Jump if not greater and not equal|no example yet| 
-|JNL|Jump if not less|no example yet| 
-|JNLE|Jump if not less and not equal|no example yet| 
-|JNO|Jump if no overflow|no example yet| 
-|JNP|Jump if no parity|no example yet| 
-|JNS|Jump if no sign|no example yet| 
-|JNZ|Jump if not zero|no example yet| 
-|JO|Jump if overflow|no example yet| 
-|JP|Jump if parity|no example yet| 
-|JPE|Jump if parity even|no example yet| 
-|JPO|Jump if parity odd|no example yet| 
-|JS|Jump if sign|no example yet| 
-|JZ|Jump if zero|no example yet| 
-|LAHF|Load AH with flags|no example yet| 
-|LDS|Load pointer using DS|no example yet| 
-|LEA|Load effective address to register|no example yet| 
-|LES|Load pointer using ES|no example yet| 
-|LOCK|Lock Bus|no example yet| 
-|LODS|Load string to AL/AX|no example yet| 
-|LODSB|Load string bytewise to AL|no example yet| 
-|LODSW|LODSW Load string wordwise to AX|no example yet| 
-|LOOP|Loop CX times|no example yet| 
-|LOOPE|Loop CX times while equal|no example yet| 
-|LOOPNE|Loop CX times while not equal|no example yet| 
-|LOOPNZ|Loop CX times while not zero|no example yet| 
-|LOOPZ|Loop CX times while zero|no example yet| 
-|MOV|Move|no example yet| 
-|MOVS|Move string|no example yet| 
-|MOVSB|Move string bytewise|no example yet| 
-|MOVSW|Move string wordwise|no example yet| 
-|MUL|Muliply (unsigned)|no example yet| 
-|NEG|Negate|no example yet| 
-|NOP|No Operation|no example yet| 
-|NOT|Invert|no example yet| 
-|OR|Or|no example yet| 
-|OUT|Output to|no example yet| 
-|POP|Pop|no example yet| 
-|POPF|Pop flags|no example yet| 
-|PUSH|Push|no example yet| 
-|PUSHF|Push flags|no example yet| 
-|RCL|Rotate through carry left|no example yet| 
-|RCR|Rotate through carry right|no example yet| 
-|REP|Repeat CX times|no example yet| 
-|REPE|Repeat CX times while equal|no example yet| 
-|REPNE|Repeat CX times while not equal|no example yet| 
-|REPNZ|Repeat CX times while not zero|no example yet| 
-|REPZ|Repeat CX times while zero|no example yet| 
-|RET|Return from procedure|no example yet| 
-|ROL|Rotate left|no example yet| 
-|ROR|Rotate right|no example yet| 
-|SAHF|Store AH into flags|no example yet| 
-|SAL|Shift arithmetic left|no example yet| 
-|SAR|Shift arithmetic right|no example yet| 
-|SBB|Subtract with borrow|no example yet| 
-|SCAS|Scan string|no example yet| 
-|SCASB|Scan string bytewise|no example yet| 
-|SCASW|Scan string wordwise|no example yet| 
-|SHL|Shift logical left|no example yet| 
-|SHR|Shift logical right|no example yet| 
-|STC|Set carry flag|no example yet| 
-|STD|Set direction flag|no example yet| 
-|STI|Set Interrupt flag|no example yet| 
-|STOS|Store string from AL/AX|no example yet| 
-|STOSB|Store string bytewise from AL|no example yet| 
-|STOSW|Store string wordwise from AX|no example yet| 
-|SUB|Subtract|no example yet| 
-|TEST|Test|no example yet| 
-|WAIT|Wait for test|no example yet| 
-|XCHG|Exchange|no example yet| 
-|XLAT|Translate byte to AL|no example yet| 
-|XOR|Exclusive or|no example yet| 

on the occasion of the current invasion of Russia in Ukraine

Russian Stop this War

Impressum Datenschutz