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c:mysql:mysql.h:mysql_errno [2013/02/03 20:19] external edit
c:mysql:mysql.h:mysql_errno [2024/02/16 01:12] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== mysql_errno ====== ====== mysql_errno ======
 <code c> <code c>
 +unsigned int mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql)
 </code> </code>
 ==== description of mysql_errno ==== ==== description of mysql_errno ====
-mysql_errno is in work by \\  +returns the error number for the last unsuccessful running function. if the function is successful, it returns 0
-if you are faster... don't hasitate and add it+in case of an error the error number and the type of error appears
 <code c> <code c>
-no example at the moment+#include <stdio.h> /* including standard library */  
 +#include <mysql/mysql.h> 
 +MYSQL *my; 
 +int main( void ){ 
 +char host[20]; 
 +char user[20]; 
 +char pass[20]; 
 +my = mysql_init(NULL); 
 +if (my == NULL ) { 
 +printf("Cant initalisize MySQL\n"); 
 +return 1; 
 +if( mysql_real_connect (my,host,user,pass,NULL,0,NULL,0)  == NULL) { 
 +  printf("Error cant login\n"); 
 +  } else { 
 +  printf("Login correct\n"); 
 +  } 
 +mysql_select_db(my, "test"); 
 +mysql_query(my, "SELECT * FROM wrongdb WHERE 1;"); 
 +printf("mysql_errno is %u\n", mysql_errno(my) ); 
 +return 0; 
 </code> </code>
 ===== output of mysql_errno c example ===== ===== output of mysql_errno c example =====
-    no example at the moment +    Login correct 
 +    mysql_errno is 1146

on the occasion of the current invasion of Russia in Ukraine

Russian Stop this War
c/mysql/mysql.h/mysql_errno.1359919178.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/16 01:11 (external edit)

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