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start [2015/02/12 22:24]
Daniel Gohlke
start [2024/02/16 00:22] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
 ====== Programming Library / Reference with examples ====== ====== Programming Library / Reference with examples ======
-//Be a Part of our Developer Community and help create the Wiki for Programmers//\\+//Be a part of our community and help to improve this reference.//\\
 \\ \\
-**To Support us**\\ +This is a Wiki for all possible programming languages ​​with descriptions and examples.\\ 
-do simple things e.g. Correct spelling and grammar, improve the examples or descriptions.\\ +The goal is to create a programming library reference for all the programming languages ​​out there\\
-or add new missing stuff like references for languages.\\ +
-it is very easy ... just click the edit button (to right of the content) \\ +
-or add new pages with the "add new page" button (left)\\ +
-\\ +
- +
-//__You can also help us with bitcoins to pay the server costs__//: **1AXLPuRUBYc1JczTW4XS65GL6oWjNP2Vt2** +
- +
- +
-This is a Wiki for all possible programming languages ​​with Descriptions and Examples.\\ +
-We want to create a programming library reference for all the programming languages ​​out there\\+
 So do not hesitate to add some example code, adjust or correct the content\\ So do not hesitate to add some example code, adjust or correct the content\\
-The only **conditions** are that you add **no inappropriate content**.\\ 
-and you only add programming language references\\ 
-***be sure it is your code** (no cut and paste)\\ 
-Hold your Descriptions and articles easy understandable for everyone\\ +**The conditions are**: 
-please not so much complex source codes or descriptions that are difficult to understand\\+  * add no inappropriate content.\\ 
 +  * be sure it is your code (no cut and paste)\\ 
 +  * Hold your descriptions and articles easy understandable for everyone\\ 
 +  * no SPAM 
 +  * read the [[wiki:syntax|formatting syntax]] before you start\\
-__****Arduino Library Overview****__ +do you miss your favorite language ? add it ;)
-      * [[:arduino| Arduino]]+
-__****C Library Overview****__ 
-      * [[:c|]] 
-__****C++ Library Overview****__ +please note - we are no company\\
-      * [[:cpp|C++ Library]]+
-__****Objective-C Library Overview****__ 
-      * [[:objective-c|Objective-C Library]] 
-__****Java Library Overview****__ 
-      * [[:java|Java Library]] 
-=== do you miss your favorite language ? add it ;)=== 
-It is very easy, read the [[wiki:syntax|formatting syntax]], if you whant get a account and write your missing stuff down\\ 
-**please note - we are no company**\\ 
-===== add a reference page ===== 
-for example: if you whant to add a new page so type\\ 
-that will add a menu structure\\ 
-   - objc 
-     - foundation.framework 
-       - nsnumber.h 
-         - boolvalue 
-** replace playground for a real example ** 
-Before you become a author we recommend to **read [[wiki:dokuwiki|]] and [[wiki:syntax|]]**\\ 
-===== CodeReference on mobile ===== 
-{{:code-reference_com.png?nolink&200| Logo}} 
-{{:device-2012-11-23-115846.png?nolink&200|Menu Strucuture (Multiple Level) }} 
-{{:start_page.png?nolink&200|Menu Strucuture (2nd Level)}} 
-{{:iphone_search.png?nolink&200|Example view of a Article - syncron with our Website. With our click and explain feature ;) }} 
 +the pages should look like this example here ... or even better
 ==== C Example Sourcecode ==== ==== C Example Sourcecode ====
Line 81: Line 37:
 /* /*
  * Sourcecode example for printf  * Sourcecode example for printf
- * *
 */ */
    int i;    int i;
Line 105: Line 61:
     Hello World no: ...     Hello World no: ...
     ... and so on, and so on     ... and so on, and so on
 +===== add a reference page =====
 +there is a playground for beginners to add a new page type for example\\
 +that will add a menu structure\\
 +   - c
 +     - stdio.h
 +       - printf
 +** remove playground for a real example **
 +**To Support us**\\
 +do simple things e.g. correct spelling and grammar, improve the examples or descriptions.\\
 +or add new missing stuff like references for languages.\\
 +//__You can also help us with bitcoins to pay the server costs__//: **1AXLPuRUBYc1JczTW4XS65GL6oWjNP2Vt2** but really nobody has ever spend a part of a coin to this project.... its all mined \\

on the occasion of the current invasion of Russia in Ukraine

Russian Stop this War
start.1423776261.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/16 00:22 (external edit)

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