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             |Function    |Description                                  |
             |cos         |compute cosine                               |
             |sin         |compute sine                                 |
             |tan         |compute tangent                              |
             |acos        |compute arc cosine                           |
             |asin        |compute arc sine                             |
             |atan        |compute arc tangent                          |
             |atan2       |compute arc tangent with two parameters      |


             |Function    |Description                                  |
             |cosh        |compute hyperbolic cosine                    |
             |sinh        |compute hyperbolic sine                      |
             |tanh        |compute hyperbolic tangent                   |

Exponential and Logarithmic

             |Function    |Description                                  |
             |exp         |compute exponential function                 |
             |frexp       |get significand and exponent                 |
             |ldexp       |generate number from significand and exponent|
             |log         |compute natural logarithm                    |
             |log10       |compute common logarithm                     |
             |modf        |break into fractional and integral parts     |


             |Function    |Description                                  |
             |pow         |raise to power                               |
             |sqrt        |compute square root                          |

Rounding, absolute value and remainder functions

             |Function    |Description                                  |
             |ceil        |round up value                               |
             |fabs        |compute absolute value                       |
             |floor       |round down value                             |
             |fmod        |compute remainder of division                |

on the occasion of the current invasion of Russia in Ukraine

Russian Stop this War
cpp/time.1362600598.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/16 00:48 (external edit)

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