Programming Reference/Librarys
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The free() function shall cause the space pointed to by ptr to be deallocated; that is, made available for further allocation.
If ptr is a null pointer, no action shall occur. Otherwise, if the argument does not match a pointer earlier returned by
the calloc(), malloc(), posix_memalign(), realloc(), or strdup() function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call
to free() or realloc(), the behavior is undefined.
Any use of a pointer that refers to freed space results in undefined behavior.
The free() function shall not return a value.
/* * free example code * */ #include <stdio.h> /* including standard library */ //#include <windows.h> /* uncomment this for Windows */ #include <stdlib.h> int testit ( int *x ) { if (x != NULL) { printf("allocation of memory was successfully.\n"); } else { printf("allocation of memory failed.\n"); } return 0; } int main ( void ) { int *buffer; printf("set buffer to 100 * sizeof(int)\n"); buffer = (int*) malloc (100*sizeof(int)); testit(buffer); printf("set buffer to 1000 * sizeof(int)\n"); buffer = (int*) calloc (1000,sizeof(int)); testit(buffer); printf("set buffer to 10 * sizeof(int)\n"); buffer = (int*) realloc (buffer,10*sizeof(int)); testit(buffer); printf("try to free the buffer\n"); free (buffer); return 0; }
user@host:~$ ./free set buffer to 100 * sizeof(int) allocation of memory was successfully. set buffer to 1000 * sizeof(int) allocation of memory was successfully. set buffer to 10 * sizeof(int) allocation of memory was successfully. try to free the buffer