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Function Description
BUFSIZ (integer value) size of the buffer
clearerr Clears end-of-file and error indicators for a stream
fclose Close the current stream / file
feof Checks for the end-of-file
ferror Checks for a stream error
fflush Synchronises an output stream with the actual file
fgetc Reads a byte/char from a file stream
fgetpos Gets the stream position indicator
fgets Reads a byte/char string from a file stream
fopen Open a stream
fprintf Print formatted byte/char output to a stream,
fputc Writes byte/char to a stream
fputs Writes byte/char string to a stream
fread Reads X number of objects from a stream
freopen Closes file associated with stream, then opens file file name with specified mode and associates it with stream.
fscanf Formatted reading from a stram
fseek Move the file position indicator to a specific location in a stream
fsetpos Move the file position indicator to a specific location in a stream
ftell Returns the current file position indicator
fwrite Writes X number of objects from a stream
getc Reads a byte/char from a stream
getchar Reads a byte/char from stdin
gets Reads a byte string from stdin
perror Prints current character value strerror(errno) to stderrr
printf Prints formatted output to stdout
putc Writes a byte/char to a stream
putchar Writes a byte/char to stdout
puts Writes a byte/char string to stdout
remove Deletes a file
rename Rename a file
rewind Moves the file position indicator to the beginning (OL) in a file
scanf Reads formatted byte/char input from stdin
setbuf Sets the buffer for a stream
setvbuf Sets the buffer for a stream
sprintf Prints formatted byte/char to stdout
sscanf Reads formatted byte/char input from stdin,
tmpfile Returns a pointer to a temporary file
tmpnam Returns a unique filename
ungetc Puts a byte/char back (push-back) into a stream
vfprintf Prints formatted byte/char output to a stream using variable aguments
vprintf Prints formatted byte/char output to stdout using variable aguments
vsprintf Prints formatted byte/char output to a stream using variable aguments

on the occasion of the current invasion of Russia in Ukraine

Russian Stop this War
c/stdio.h.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/16 00:48 (external edit)

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